Terms & Conditions

Aviation Terms & Conditions - Last Revised: October 2022

I. All quoted flight times, durations, distances and routes are approximate and may vary on the day of the flight due to volume of air traffic or other operational reasons.

All flights are expected to depart within one hour of their scheduled time.

However, in the event of an unexpected delay as a result of unforeseen inclement weather, an unforeseen aircraft serviceability issue or an unforeseen operational issue, it is agreed that flights may be delayed by a period of two hours from scheduled time and this unfortunate delay is considered reasonable in the circumstances.
In the event of an unforeseen delay anticipated to exceed two hours, a flight experience can be postponed.

Participation in any flying activity is at the discretion of Adventure 001 or any third party provider.

Flight time is inclusive of engine start to engine stop, blocks on to blocks off (brakes) or ingress to egress of aircraft (dependent on aircraft and experience undertaken.)

II. Flights are subject to availability, weather conditions, operational matters and aircraft serviceability and as a result are subject to delay / cancellation or alteration at short notice. Adventure 001 Ltd shall not be held responsible for the costs of travel, accommodation or any other associated costs should your flight be cancelled for any reason, including aircraft non-serviceability, poor weather, operational or public health reasons. Each voucher has an expiration date and this is a use by date.

Elements of original packages (Champagne, Chocolate, Hike, Cream Tea, Front Seat ) may vary or will be lost in the event of an optional upgrade to an alternate flight at an alternate venue not specified in the original package options.

We are unable to offer any dietary alternative to a standard package. Chocolate and Bubbly or Cake and Hot Drink will be offered as an alternate to 'Cream Tea' if this is unavailable (subject to location).

E-Hike maps are replicated from a third party. Completion is at the discretion of the participant and Adventure 001 cannot be held responsible for any potential inaccuracy of third party information.

Elements of an original package may vary based on operational requirements. For lessons, student briefings may be provided in a group setting.  For Helicopter Insight Days using a Robinson R44 Helicopter, (as opposed to a Robinson R22) three students will occupy the helicopter during the flight phase. There will be one opporunity to fly the helicopter under the guidance of an instructor and two opportunities to observe the other participants partaking in the experience from the rear of the helicopter. 

In the event of last minute additional availability of potential interest to a customer, a customer may be contacted via telephone call, email, standard text message or what's app.

In the event of one participant failing to attend a Double Landing Flying Lesson you will have the option to continue with 50% flight time in view of no second participant or postpone the experince in its entirety. The aforementioned may become apparent at short notice upon arrival at the experience location. If a personal decision is made to continue the experience without a second participant, no refund or compensation will be due.

In the event of an alteration of a private flight from a Robinson R44 (3 Seater) to a Bell 206 Jet Ranger (4 seater), a passenger will receive a private rear cabin as opposed to a private flight.

III. Adventure 001 Ltd reserves the right to postpone any event due to lack of participants, including but not limited to Group Flying Lessons and Helicopter Pleasure Flights. Helicopter Pleasure Flights are shared experiences with other voucher holders unless an upgrade to a private flight has been obtained.

The Lead Passenger (only) will be required to produce photographic ID and a Utility Bill upon request (anti fraud measures).

Please note, All Adult Passengers and Children (where possible) will be required to produce valid photographic ID (Passport or Driving Licence) when flying from the following venues: Newcastle International Airport, Teeside Airport, Southend Airport. For those under 16, a Birth Certificate will be permissible.

IV. For shared Helicopter Pleasure Flights, a participant must be aged 6 years and above. Participants under the age of 16 years must be accompanied by a fare paying adult. For private Helicopter Pleasure Flights, the minimum age for an accompanied participant is 2 years.

A minimum age of 12 years is required for Aeroplane Pilot Experiences and 14 years is required for Helicopter Pilot Experiences. 

V. Strict weight restrictions apply.

Flying activities have maximum weights (per seat) to ensure health and safety along with the comfort of fellow passengers.

You must enter passenger/participant weight at the time of registration and make subsequent declaration at time of booking (fully clothed with footwear). If weight varies between the intiial booking and date of flight experience it remains the responsibility of the customer to advise Adventure 001 of the updated weight via submission of online enquiry form so that relevant safety checks can be completed. 

All passengers will be weighed before flight and if disparity exists between weight disclosed (time of booking) and actual weight (within reason), the passenger may be ineligible to fly and no refund will be payable from Adventure 001 in view of loss of experience. 

Aeroplane Flying Lessons (2 seater aircraft) - Max 15 Stone (95KG).
Aeroplane Flying Lessons (4 seater aircraft) -
 Max 17.9 Stone (114KG) Double Landing Flying Lesson, Max 16 Stone (102KG) Triple Landing Flying Lesson.

Helicopter Flying Lesson - Max 15 Stone (95KG)

Helicopter Pleasure Flights (Bell 206 Jet Ranger and Bell 206 Long Ranger):

Group size of One - Max 15 Stone (95KG)
Group size of Two - Max 30 Stone (190KG)
Group size of Three - Max 43 Stone (273KG)
​Group size of Four - Max 56 Stone (355KG)
Group size of Five - Max 63 Stone (400KG)
Group size of Six - Max 75 Stone (475KG)

Helicopter Pleasure Flights (Robinson R44):

Group size of One - Max 15 Stone (95KG)
Group size of Two - Max 30 Stone (190KG)
Group size of Three - Max 39 Stone (250KG)

**Variation of weight restricitons may apply with external third party providers.**

Please note that the maximum weight limit for the Co Pilot Seat on a helicopter pleasure flight varies depending on aircraft and other operational considerations but will not exceed 95kg. If disparity exists between diclosed and actual weight (within reason), the Co Pilot Seat upgrade will be forfeitted and no refund will be payable by Adventure 001 in view of loss of experience.

If as a party of one you weigh in excess of 15 stone, you may still be eligable to fly, however, you will need to purchase an additional seat. This seat will either have to remain unoccupied or can be occupied by an individual as long as the combined total as listed above is not exceeded. However, a total individual weight of 20 stone cannot be exceeded.

We fly a variety of aircraft with varying passenger capacity. Seating will either be forward or rear facing, dependant on aircraft. The Co Pilot seat is an optional upgrade and if this is booked as part of a party of two or more passengers, the second passenger is guaranteed a window seat. Standard vouchers are for rear seats, window or middle, assigned at discretion of the crew. Please note, on a Bell 206 Jet Ranger there is reduced headroom associated with the middle seat owing to aircraft design.

VI. We are unable to refund the cost of any flight voucher following an event postponement, including but not limited to those reasons listed in term II (above). The vouchers are however, transferable to another passenger name providing we are notified in writing.

However, in the event of three postponements we will release a voucher for refund (if purchased direct) or exchange / refund (if purchased via a third party reseller, subject to their terms and conditions), in the event of no future or active booking.

We are unable to refund the cost of any flight upgrade paid directly to Adventure 001 (extra distance, front seat, alternate experience, additional seat) following an event postponement. However, in the event of three postponements we will release a voucher for refund.

If you purchased your voucher directly from Adventure 001, we can only offer a refund if your flight has been postponed a minimum of three times.

An extension fee is non refunable in the event that sufficient availability has been provided which was not actioned expeditiously even if three postponements occur.

The release of voucher / refund policy is strictly enforced to ensure fairness and consistency to all customers.

In regard to 'Special Events', vouchers are non refundable in the event of cancellations outside of our control, however, Flight vouchers will remain valid for a full 12 months and may be used at any free entry event (subject to availability).
Flights at Special Events will require the additonal purchase of an entry ticket to the Special Event, these are sold seperately and not through Adventure 001.

Dependant on circusmtances, a refund related administrative fee may be applicable, min £15.

Any booking or upgrade, whether via the online account of the customer or direct with Adventure 001 via email or telephone is made in acknowledgement and acceptance of our terms and conditions of business and it remains the responsibility of the customer to appraise themselves of said terms.

Adventure 001 will endeavour to provide a trained photographer for the purpose of obtaining photographic memorabilia. However, please note that this will not be possible at Nottingham Heliport on 19th Jan 2025, 8th Feb 2025, 29th March 2025, 26th April 2025, Sat 17th May 2025.

VII. Adventure 001 Ltd shall not be held liable for any expenses incurred from flight cancellations due to operational circumstances.

VIII. Observers on (4 Seater) Pilot Experience flights (not applicable to Sightseeing or Pleasure flights) should be either other students or family/friends of the pilot who are sharing the experience with a view to learning to fly. A maximum of one person will be permitted, at the discretion of the Flight Instructor, on the day of the experience.

IX. For obvious reasons, all participants should ensure that they are in good health and if in doubt should seek the medical advice of their GP.

Passengers with a disability are asked to Contact Adventure 001 prior to their experience so that an informed decision of their participation, taking into account health and safety, can be made.

Please note, all passengers are required to exit the aircraft themselves and vacate the immediate vicinity in the event of an emergency. If a passenger is unable to fulfil the aforementioned requirement, a review of individual circumstances will be required. 

If no prior contact is made with Adventure 001 and a passenger presents with a condition which may impact health and safety, the Ground Crew, can (at their discretion) refuse any person to board the aircraft and no refund will be payable from Adventure 001 in view of loss of experience.

X. The Captain of the Aircraft can (at their discretion) refuse any person on board the aircraft if he/she suspects them to have consumed alcohol or illegal substances/drugs within the previous 24 hours and no refund will be payable from Adventure 001 in view of loss of experience.

The Ground Crew, can (at their discretion) refuse any person to board the aircraft if he/she suspects them to have consumed alcohol or illegal substances/drugs within the previous 24 hours and no refund will be payable from Adventure 001 in view of loss of experience.

The Ground Crew, can (at their discretion) refuse any person to board the aircraft if he/she witnesses the behaviour of the passenger to be unacceptable in view of health and safety requirements and no refund will be payable from Adventure 001 in view of loss of experience.

Adventure 001 have a ‘Zero Tolerance’ policy. Any hostility directed at our staff will be dealt with accordingly and may result in exclusion from the booked activity or future booking and no refund will be payable from Adventure 001 in view of loss of experience. Hostilility will not be tolerated in person, via telephone or electronic means.

XI. It should be noted that any participant(s) failing to take their confirmed experience will render their voucher invalid. Unless stated on your confirmation, changes to a confirmed booking can only be made via the online booking portal ( www.adventure001.com/book ) and require a minimum of seven days' notice before the experience date, except where 'flexible booking' has been activated.

Flexible Cancellation can be utilised via the online account of the customer to remove a booking within 7 days of experience date but not less than 15 minutes prior to check in. 

 As Covid-19 is no longer unexpected nor unforeseen the same terms apply. If you test positive for Covid-19 and have not purchased indemnity insurance then the full price applies to re book, alternatively we can offer a complimentary name change, there is no exception to this term. In the event of the experience being cancelled by us, then your voucher remains valid until the expiry date shown and will be rebooked for a mutually convenient date. If you test positive for Covid-19, attendance for a confirmed booking remains a personal choice for individual in line with Government guidance.

XII. Effective voucher management remains the responsibility of the consumer. It remains the responsibility of the consumer to access their online account on a regular basis to view availability and book or subscribe to a relevant waiting list. Failure to adhere to the aforementioned will result in an applicable extension fee being due in order to further extend a voucher. Adventure 001 are unable to extend any vouchers which are 6 months post stated expiry.

An extension fee (21% of voucher value - min £20) is applied in view of rising operational costs in order to bring a voucher in line with current pricing structure.

If a flight has been postponed and the voucher has expired, we will allow a reasonable 'grace' period to rebook.

XIII. Whilst every precaution is taken for the safety of passengers, neither the owner/operator of the aircraft nor Adventure 001 can be held liable for loss, damage or injury which does not result from their negligence.

XIV. Participants wishing to take cameras and other photographic equipment on the flight do so entirely at their own risk (if permitted with local variations location specific).No handbags or any item with a strap are permitted on board the aircraft. Loose fitting clothing or any item with the potential to cause injury will not be permitted on board on the aircraft.

No photography is permitted airside by passengers whilst walking to and from an aircraft owing to relevant health and safety requirements. Any passenger in breach of this is subject to immediate exclusion from the activity and no refund will be payable from Adventure 001 in view of loss of experience.
Adventure 001 will provide an airside photographer and passengers will have the option to purchase official photographs at an event. All photographs remain the property of Adventure 001 and may feature on our social media or promotional material.

XV. The company reserves the right to alter any take-off location at its discretion due to operational circumstances, this may occur at short notice. A flight at a 'preferred' location is not guaranteed owing to operational matters if the preferred location is no longer viable. We operate on a variety of days and a weekend flight is not guaranteed as our fleet our aircraft operate from a variety of venues and rotate between said venues to ensure operational efficiency and effectiveness.

XVI. A fuel surcharge may be applicable prior to taking your experience if the price of aviation fuel is affected by any changes in EU Tax regulations or any other significant increase within the UK exceeding 10% during the voucher validity.

XVII. The cost to repair damage caused to the aircraft or its equipment (including but not limited to; avionic headsets, life jackets, etc.) through neglect, misuse or abuse will be chargeable to the user.

XVIII. A Captain will make a decision as to whether or not an event will proceed at approximately 18:00 the evening prior to a scheduled event (if able), having taken into consideration all weather, aircraft serviceability and operational matters. This decision may be made sooner or later dependant on circumstances. Once a decision has been made, an update will be placed on the personal 'Live Feed' of the customer and Weather Check Line (Premium Rate)(Subject to event type), which are highlighted on the issued boarding pass. In the event of a postponement an electronic communication will also be issued as soon as practicable and this will also feature on personal 'Live Feed' and weather check line (subject to event type).
The ability to 'Check In' online confirms the continuance of the event and confims the particiapnts attendence to the schedule event and reaffirms the date and time of the relevant experience. In the subsequent event of a 'No Show' a party will be ineligible to rebook as per our agreed terms. In the event of a postponement, a participant will not be able to check in online and the postponement will be clearly stated and the postponement will be reaffirmed by email.


Other Experience Terms & Conditions - Last Revised: October 2022

I. All quoted times are approximate and package content may vary on the day due to operational reasons.

II.  Experiences are subject to weather conditions and as a result they may be subject to cancellation at short notice. Adventure 001 Ltd will not be held responsible for the costs of travel, accommodation or any other associated cost should your experience be cancelled for any reason, including operational issues, poor weather or public health reasons.

III. Adventure 001 reserve the right to postpone an event due to lack of participants.

IV. Anyone under the age of 16 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian at all times.

V. We are unable to refund the cost of the experience voucher under any circumstances. The vouchers are however, transferable to another person providing we are notified in writing at least 24 hours before the event starts.

VI. Adventure 001 Ltd shall not be held liable for any expense(s) incurred from experience cancellations due to operational circumstances.

VII. For obvious reasons, all participants should ensure that they are in good health and if in doubt should seek the medical advice of their GP.

VIII. The Instructor, at their discretion, may refuse any person to participate if he/she suspects them to have consumed alcohol or illegal substances/drugs within the previous 24 hours.

IX. It should be noted that any participants failing to take their confirmed experience render the voucher invalid. Changes to a confirmed booking can only be made via the online booking portal ( www.adventure001.com/book ) and require a minimum of seven days' notice before the experience date, except where 'flexible cancellation' has been activated. As Covid-19 is no longer unexpected nor unforeseen the same terms apply. If you test positive for Covid-19 and have not purchased indemnity insurance then the full price applies to re book, alternatively we can offer a complimentary name change, there is no exception to this term. In the event of the experience being cancelled by us, then your experience Voucher remains valid until the expiry date shown, and will be rebooked for a mutually convenient date. 

XI. Whilst every precaution is taken for the safety of customers, Adventure 001 cannot be held liable for loss, damage or injury which does not result from their negligence.

XII. Participants wishing to take cameras and other photographic equipment on the event do so entirely at their own risk.

XIII. The company reserves the right to alter any operational location at its discretion due to operational circumstances.

XIV. Only valid ticket holders will be allowed to access Falconry experiences as this is essentially a spectator sport with a handling element it would not be fair to allow non-ticket holders to attend. In addition, we always need to know numbers in advance in order to have an accurate register of attendees.

XV. Not all locations may be able to offer the 'seasonal refreshment' package, additionally the number of shots/clays received may vary depending on location.

XVI. Owing to mechanical serviceability or an operational matter, Adventure 001 reserve the right to alter Locomotive type on a Rail experience.