There is nothing like the sensation of flying through the air with the grass just below your feet! The helicopter is the most manoeuvrable of aircraft- you can hover, fly sideways and backwards and spin round in a circle.
After take off we’ll take you on a 45 minute tour over the Buckinghamshire countryside from a birds eye view and head towards to the big city!
You will see rural English countryside gradually build up to the outskirts of the city and before you know it, you are marvelling at the extensive city before you - miles and miles of buildings and landmarks disappearing into the distance, as far as the eye can see.
If that isn't enough, from your perfect view flying over the River Thames, your pilot will point out London's great landmarks - the Houses of Parliament, Buckingham Palace, St Paul's Cathedral, The London Eye, Tower Bridge and the O2 Arena.*
*Dependant on flight path- can vary depending on air traffic control.